Stratego, Narnia: A Serious review…
First of all: I would like to apologize of my lack of new post. The satellite that sits atop my bunker is not working (and has not been for the last two days) so my internet service is just about nonexistent as of now. (I’m using the phone-line)
Now for my greatly anticipated review of the new board game Stratego, Narnia: First, the game is totally without bias when it comes to one side being more powerful then the other. I can prove this by showing you some facts.
Games of Stratego, Narnia played: six
Aslan win’s: one
White Witch win’s: five
…. As you can see, the game is clearly well made! (Not to mention realistic!) For all of you out there spread across the fruited plain who have played the regular Stratego game - you know - the one where you move those little castle’s across a 12 by 12 board in an attempt to find the enemies flag, (it is best played while sleeping or driving…) you should know that the new one is completely different. Why… it’s as different as a piano bench is to a bed of nails. I’m not kidding. Although on the other hand, if you’re a big Aslan fan, I would not recommend this game! Stay away from it! Don’t go near friends that own it or even have friends that own it! Moreover, in no circumstances go in stores that sell or advertise it! Refrain from talking on the phone to people you suspect play it!...
If you’re one of those people that I am writing about, please listen. Aslan has the same chance of winning as you do finding a pot of gold at the end of a lighting bolt…. Beware friends of Narnia…
Second and last of all: The game has many neat rules that will drive some people out of their minds, and make others jump to Jupiter with joy. I don’t want to bore you to tears with a lengthy recitation of them all… So if you really want to know them, go buy the game yourself. (Bah HumBug!)…