All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Resolutions Released

The 08-09 NCFCA debate resolutions have been released

A - Resolved: That the U.S. should significantly change its foreign policy toward one or more of
the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru.
B - Resolved: That the United States should reform its policies to substantially reduce world
C - Resolved: That the U.S. should significantly change its foreign policy toward India.

A - Resolved: When in conflict, idealism ought to be valued above pragmatism.
B - Resolved: That form ought to be valued above content in art.
C - Resolved: That in education application ought to be valued above knowledge.


Friday, May 16, 2008

Chairwoman Hill

Why does this photo [from] remind me of pre-1946 Japanese war propaganda [rising sun] It also sort of has a resemblance from what I can remember to [Chinese?] communist propaganda... I guess they're just pointing out the obvious...

Voters of the world UNITE!


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wonder If McCain Could Get Away With This...

Clinton: White People Vote For ME!!

From USA Today,

Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed Wednesday to continue her quest for the Democratic nomination, arguing she would be the stronger nominee because she appeals to a wider coalition of voters — including whites who have not supported Barack Obama in recent contests.

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me. There's a pattern emerging here," she said.
