Ok, I lied… This is really the last Narnia the Myth and Lie post. (Prince Caspian will have a different tag) I just wanted to touch on a few more of the many myths and lie’s still lurking undisturbed throughout the renowned author C. S. Lewis’s book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Frightening huh? Even after three myth busting posts - there are still uncharted falsehoods enduring to this day. I don’t know about you, but that makes the feathers on my wing’s stand straight up. I know I won’t be able to ever fix everything but I hope – I hope – that I have at least given you the chance to think about what you read (or now, watch) and not gobble down everything as truth automatically. And besides, this is fun.
11) The Lamppost: The Lamppost is a main, central part of Mr. Lewis’s story. It’s where Lucy “meets” Tumnus the fawn. The children later in their lives when they are dictators and dictator’ess encounter this same lamppost in a hunt (detailed below…) shortly before being sent back to their own world. The latter could be true - but the former is unequivocally false! The Lamppost was set up as a monument to Lucy’s “brave” entering of Narnia by the Pevensie regime. Thousand’s of Dwarfs were forced to work on the project of building this shrine – many died. Creating distrust and an indistinguishable hate that would become evident in The Last Battle when they as a group would turn against repressive human rule and revolt.
12) The White Stag Hunt: First some facts. 1} The white Stag was an endangered species. 2} It was the slowest, dumbest, loudest, most obese animal in Narnia. 3} A white Stag has the average eyesight of three feet… And this is what “King” Peter had to say about it. “In all my days I never hunted a nobler quarry”…. I rest my case… To go further would be creating road-kill…
13) Cair Paravel: A tragic tale lays in this castles history (please forgive me if I begin to break down in spontaneous tears during this one…). As a child, Jadis grew up in this seaside home. Needless to say, she had a very happy childhood living and playing with Dwarfs and Fawns and whatever else young monarchs in Narnia play with. Her father and mother approved of this because they thought the more she knew and understood her subjects she would be ruling someday, the greater sovereign she would be. Life was a dream till on one cold, wet, cloudy afternoon disaster struck. It happened that on their way home from an economic conference in Tashbaan both Jadis’s father and mother where ambushed. There were no survivors, or suspects – just a Lion’s paw prints... Jadis, at age thirteen was an orphan…
She declared that the castle would remain uninhabited forever. Sadly she would live to see her wish violated.
14) The Wardrobe: The old Professor’s house in the country that the children were staying while WW2 was progressing was a top secret, major munitions dump. The Wardrobe of notoriety was used to store Nerve Gas. Yaa….that would do things to your brain…. maybe even cause strange dreams about far off imaginary lands...
I hope this has been a big help… After a few more interviews, Prince Caspian – here we come!...
For further research: Narnia; the Myth and the Lie one. two. three. Nuts, Beat the Press, Jadis…
Much thinks to NarniaWeb.com for title picture
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