Brave New World...
We're back in business here at SNS News after a brief but terrible break from the glorious world of blogging. Hurray!!
As you probably already know, this job is not for the faint of heart. No - this task (blogging) requires steadfastness, courage, and a willingness to work for nothing. Not even peanuts. N -o-t-h-i-n-g.
Although on the other hand, I do receive a lot of grief for some of my more (umm, umm...) controversial posts... (think Narnia...)
{This is a nice shot my brother got from the top of the Washington memorial}
Labels: blog
closing the poll. Looks like
yoda wins.
It’s the 2008 presidential election. Which candidate would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton (26) 25%
Saddam Hussein (20) 19%
Yoda (56) 53%
Other(Tash...) (4) 4%
sorry it took so long...
Oh no!!!! now Yoda will kill anybody who does not believe on the force!!!
so neat
You know, I find it DEEPLY disturbing that the old bag got ANY votes! I'm sure some were "funny" votes, but still, it makes me wonder just what kind of people are really reading your blog Tash.
Doesn't bode well for America, no, not well at all.
As for Yoda winning, well, I can think of less qualified candidates. At least we won't have to worry about filibusters and other garbage in the congress.He'll just wave his little claws, say "my way vote, you will" and things will get done, lol.
and I totally agree with you about blogging being a thankless job. Either nobody comments or they jump all over you and criticize you. It's a lose\lose situation. And when you write as regularly as we do, well, it takes a heavy toll on the psyche, indeed it does. So keep up the courage, keep slogging forward, and know that I will not hesitate to make fun of your posts if I can :) heh, heh, heh...
Ryusoma: Saddam has changed... You shouldn't be so hard on him... he's promised to be nicer... Give the guy a chance! He had his shoelaces tied too tight as a toadstool! Repent! NOW! NO! NO! NO!! HE WON'T FORGIVE YOU! (Now look, you made him cry...(!?) you hurt his feelings...) HE SAYS HE'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!(or anyone else that did not vote for him) NEVER! EVER! It's too late to ask forgiveness... it's toooo late... so sad.
Yes, praise, glory, and honor be unto Tash--bloggerman (bloggerbird?) almighty!
If you would like to know my opinion on your new poll, see my comments on "Narnia; the myth and the lie part three."
What is your opinion?
Very interesting pictures from the top of the Washington Monument.
N-chick-I was referring to the Senator from NY actually...
And I didn't call her a bag of bones. I called her an "old bag"...
She's more like a bag of old stones.
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