All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Operation Frostbite

This last Saturday, some friends of ours invited my brothers and myself to play in a airsoft game at their house. We had a blast (both literally, getting blasted with airsoft BB's, and figuratively) and I've posted some of the photos of the game below. Because so many of you hate captionless photos I've also added those as well. I know they are lame, but don't complain (that rhymes btw). Captions really aren't my thing. If I could outsource that job I would, but all the illegal immigrants have left the country because the economy stinks so that's really not an option right now.

it's a beautiful (20 degrees Fahrenheit) day to play airsoft
the defenders deathtrap - contrary to what you might think looking at the hill right away, no team that tried to defend was successful the entire day.
on the hill, the defenders await the assault
attempting to remain concealed
another sniper in the brush
taking aim
one of the attackers
coming down from the hill
re-picking teams
the shadows pick their next team member
walking out to the battlefield - armed and ready
proof that I was at the game (thanks Harold)nothing to worry about, the gun is out of battery...
the stonewall squad
wrapping things up

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Blogger Aaron C said...

Hey, I know the guy on the far right in the "re-picking teams" photo!

Where was the game at?

Saturday, 20 December, 2008  
Blogger Silas said...

at the Weekley's house

Saturday, 20 December, 2008  

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