All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

To Narnia, Or To Not Narnia?

In honor of the Chronicles of Narnia "Prince Caspian" DVD being released today [at the low, low, incredibly amazingly low price of only $35.99 plus tax] I thought it might be appropriate to post something about the movie. However, on the other hand, the downside to me posting anything about Narnia is that whenever I have done it in the past, readers get upset, mad, angry, outraged, go into clinical depression and then move to Honduras. So, after considering all of those factors, I came to the conclusion that I probably should say something about it. might be a good idea for me to actually watch the movie first though before I tear it apart so... sorry, you will just have to wait until someone sends me the DVD as an early Kwanzaa present.



Blogger Lady Jane Grey said...

I hope SOMEONE sends it to you, because I cannot wait to read your observations.

I myself am not at all a fan of Narnia.

Tuesday, 02 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait!!

Thursday, 04 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the 387???

Thursday, 04 December, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cause it's a number on the keyboard. Why else?

Friday, 05 December, 2008  

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