Dog meets Cat... a true story
Dust flew and tempers raged as a fir-ball raced to save its skin with a dog in close pursuit! There was no time to think, just enough to act as the feline animal dug its paws into a young sapling and clambered up it to momentary safety.
“Nuts!” the cat cried stridently. “I have not yet begun to fight!”
I had for some reason, been looking out the window when I saw the dog chasing the cat up the tree and immediately, with my tender heart for cats and such, grabbed my camera and leaped to action. I was hoping badly for a good photo op. And a few of them turned out ok. But eventually the feline simply climbed a branch and jumped off. And in so doing, she ended up plunging off small cliff- and was none the worst for it.

Now that's a fact..
Tash, stop the trash! I'm talking about these people who spam our sites and put their advertising on the comment posts of our site. Go to your Blogger website and utilize "word check." There are instructions there on how to do it. Of course, some of these people will get through and advertise anyway, but at least the "automatic postings" they have their pc's set to cannot get through any longer.
Tash-don't! If you put up the "wident" option, you are simply giving in. If you are concerned about spammers, just check your blog twice, daily, and delete any ones you don't want. But if you give in to the dark side, the easy side, you will have started down a path not many can return from!
So choose this day! Will you choose character, hardwork, vigilance, responsibility? Or will you choose sloth, ease and laziness? But as for me and my blog, we choose vigilance!
Hahahahaa :)
I always just wait a few seconds after posting and delete the spam that pop’s up immediately. I really don't want to have to put this thing up, so I will be more diligent to wipe out the spamming horde as it attack's next time. If they really target me however, t then I'm going to throw the provably baby in the bath water and utilize my nuclear option.
Awwwwwww... for the good old days before spam... As they say in Narnia. T.L.B. We would have been happy if we had died a day earlier...
Ryusoma, you really leave me a lot of choice's...:)
yep, exactly. You have a choice! Don't flake out on us now! Hehehehe...
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