All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Results

NBC 10 News has the results. Things didn't turn out the way we or I had hoped they would but God is in control, his ways are perfect and he has a reason for everything. Sometimes it's just hard to understand those reasons right away.

In retrospect, when you look at the numbers on the statewide races, the Obama effect really killed anyone that wasn't running as a Democrat. I'm only aware of one or two Republicans left in the statehouse actually after tonight's election (and one of them ran unopposed). Considering those factors, 52% to 48% isn't anything to get depressed over, in fact, it's only 1% less then what the RI GOP minority leader (who had been in forever), Nick Gorham got in his race (which he lost).

I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you guy's that came down to help out on election day! You made it a great day no matter what the outcome was (or how many times my soccer team lost...).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the results, but, like you said, the vote wasn't that bad in the end. Continue to trust in God, and I know you guys can continue to do great things in His strength. I hope the disappointment isn't too bad.


Wednesday, 05 November, 2008  

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