All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Six Days Left

As much as I dislike Obama, the national Republican party is going to get what they deserve next Tuesday. Below is a short list of GOP accomplishments in the last eight years and proper thank you's to those responsible

  • Thank you Karl Rove for tearing down a real conservatives like Steve Laffey & Pat Tommy, so Lincon Chafee & Arlen Specter and could run.
  • Thank you Pres. George W. Bush for No Child Left Behind
  • Thank you John McCain for McCain/Feingold
  • Thank you Congress for letting spending and the debt get out of control
I could go on some more, Bush and veto's, immigration, etc... Don't get me wrong, I'm a registered Republican and agree (by far!) with more of the Republican ideas then the Democrat ones, but anyone with a brain has to admit that the Repub's really messed up the last eight years.



Blogger George Lavoie said...

If you feel that way, you'll love Laffey's book: "Primary Mistake: How the Washington Republican Establishment Lost Everything in 2006 (and Sabotaged My Senatorial Campaign)".

It's an inside look at Laffey's 2006 U.S. Senate campaign that is full of lessons and warnings for anyone who loves America, yet full of hope for those who want the Republican party to get back to the ideals of Ronald Reagan from the dangerous turns the it has taken in recent years.

Thursday, 30 October, 2008  
Blogger Silas said...

Yeah, I've actually read it, it's a great book.

Thursday, 30 October, 2008  

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