All the news the New York Times "forgot" - to print

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

And they call this history?

One of my friends from debate class told me that recently the History channel ran a story on UFOs and their history. Well in the show the history channel claimed that the burning bush Moses saw when he went up Mt Sinai was really a UFO and the brightness
and glow of his face when he came down from the mountain was from alien radiation. I guess somebody is going to have to come up with the NAB(new Alien Bible).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Tash?

Wednesday, 06 April, 2005  
Blogger Silas said...

Why someone else?

Wednesday, 06 April, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point taken. I guess I am wondering if this is your real name, or if you just decided to call yourself that on your blog. The only other place I heard the name was in C.S. Lewis's children's book The Last Battle- and he was a demon.

Thursday, 07 April, 2005  

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